Robin Moore...Children's Book Author and Storyteller

Where will your imagination take you?

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Amazon Self-Publishing Consulting Services

Self-Publishing Consultations

Robin Moore

With more than forty years of experience in the business of writing and publishing books, I can help you make smart decisions about self-publishing your book in today’s ever-changing literary landscape. 

As your one-on-one book consultant, I can provide an A-Z approach which takes your project from original concept through the steps of writing, publishing and distributing your work before a world-wide readership. My goal is to help first-time authors get into print by using the tools developed by the independent publishing movement. It is an exciting time to be a writer. Thanks to advances in digital technology and the expansion of the world-wide book distribution network, self-published writers can now create, publish and distribute high-quality books at an affordable price. 

Using this time-tested method, I show you how to set up your own publishing company and launch your book in both print and digital format on the platform. Amazon uses an expansive global network to process your orders, print your books on demand and distribute them to your readers. You own the copyright and 100% of the book royalties are direct-deposited into your account. My consultation fee is a one-time charge which is due on publication. Because you are the owner of your own independent publishing house, the rest of the rewards come directly to you.

My Approach: 

I realize that entrusting your book to me is an important decision. Because I have already made just about every mistake an author can make in the book business, my goal is to save you time, money and heartache by guiding you through the process of breathing life into your writing, transforming your manuscript into a book and then sending your creative brainchild out into the world. Every writer needs a companion through this process. I have been fortunate to have many fine teachers, editors and publishing mentors over the years. Now I am in a position to return the favor and help first-time authors find their way on the path to publishing. 


My Experience? More than 40 Years as a Writer and Publisher

In 1971, after serving as a combat soldier with the U.S. Army in Vietnam, I used my G.I. Bill benefits to enroll as a journalism student at Penn State University. I graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and worked as a newspaper reporter and magazine editor until 1981, when I began my career as a children’s book author. I created Groundhog Press, a small independent publishing house and self-published my first book, The Bread Sister of Sinking Creek, a historical fiction novel for children about life on the Pennsylvania frontier. A year later, I sold the book to HarperCollins and began a long and successful career as a children’s book author published by HarperCollins, Random House and Simon & Schuster—Three of the five largest publishers in the world. Along the way, I also produced written and recorded projects through my own independent publishing house. I have published more than twenty books using this combination of mainstream and independent publishing. In 2002, I completed an M.A. in Writing and Oral Traditions with the Graduate Institute and have served on the faculty of the graduate school writing program ever since. I am Director of The Graduate Institute Publishing Center, which provides the faculty and students with the tools to create and publish books in both print and digital form before a world-wide readership. For the last eight years, I have offered the same guidance and expertise to non-academic authors who wish to publish their books in the new era of self-publishing.  


Here are a few links that might be helpful: 

My website:  

My Amazon Author Page: 

Want to learn more about this pathway to publishing? Let’s Talk…

Because each project is different, it is important to begin with a Free Phone Consultation which will help me understand your project and what you want to do with it. I will also give you a whirlwind tour of the four steps in the self-publishing process: 


--Book Design




To schedule a Book Consultation: 

You can reach me directly at 215 915 6825

or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact info: 

Robin Moore Self-Publishing Consultations

864 New Galena Road
Doylestown PA 18901   

Join These Successful Self-Published Authors!

To view these successful titles on Amazon, click the cover image.

Imagine your book with the global distribution of an Amazon listing!


Without Robin Moore, this book would not exist. From start to finish, he was there for me; encouraging, shining a light forward and tactfully pointing out some of the wrong turns I made down dead-end roads. To Robin I owe my thanks for bringing my life’s work into the light of day.

Robin helped me to publish my first book, A Sweet Life: Seven Unexpected Blessings of Living with Diabetes. Robin’s caring, sensitive and expert publishing skills were with me every step of the way. Also, Robin was right when he told me that the excitement generated by the creative process of making a book is contagious; after you finish your first book, you want to do more. As soon as we completed my memoir, we started working on my second publishing project, a picture book with beautiful full-color illustrations by a talented artist.

Richard Humphreys
Camp Director, Environmental Educator and Advocate for Diabetic Children

With Robin’s help, I have now published my first full-color picture book. The illustrations by Gabriel Anderson turned out beautifully!

Richard Humphreys 
Environmental Educator and Published Author 
  Once again, it was a joy to work with Illustrator Gabriel Anderson and Robin Moore on this new
picture book.

Richard Humphreys
Author, Storyteller and Environmental Educator


Robin Moore is an expert at self-publishing books and was instrumental in the successful production and publication of my book, MAXed OUT: Portland Transit Poems. I had never self-published a book before and he walked me through all of the steps like the pro that he is. He really understands Amazon's KDP book publishing system and was able to get my manuscript through the sometimes confusing and complicated process. He also was able to draw from his many contacts in the publishing world and I was able to utilize a superb editor and book designer he recommended.

He's kind, patient, knowledgeable and knew how to work through any issues that arose. As an experienced self-published author of many print and ebooks himself, he understands the position of an author and how much our writing means to us. I continue to work with Robin on other writing projects and his experience and professionalism shine through.  I highly recommend his services for anyone self-publishing a book.

Rick McMonagle
Poet and Author

Working with Robin was the best thing I could do as a first time, self-publishing author. He
made editing my novel a collaborative experience, he took away the intimidation factor, and was
a conscientious partner throughout the whole project from beginning edits to final, print-ready
novel. Always clear on what worked well and what needed more attention, he kindly walked me
through the editing process, which could have been miserable, but became a joy as I saw my
work get better and better. An experienced and successful novelist, Robin had the wherewithal to
answer all my questions, address my concerns and helped build my confidence as a novelist.

James Omar Hansen

Actor, Storyteller, Playwright and Retired Professor

Robin looked at my manuscript and gave me an honest assessment of the quality of my material,
which was very encouraging to me.  He took the time to explain the self-publishing steps.  I
engaged with Robin and his team and within a few weeks, my first print book and e-book were a
published reality. Any aspiring author who, like me, feels frustrated with the laborious and
unpredictable process of traditional publishing needs to get in touch with Robin.  He made all of
the difference for me.

Jim Kissane

Author and Storyteller

Another impressive volume of original stories in this series of tales about Industrial America. Profusely illustrated with archival photos and artwork.

The series continues with this account of the human story behind the lumber industry. 
Heart-warming holiday stories about the people who built our industrial nation.

From Quill to Heart is my third published book and the first in a new series I am creating. I did
my first book on my own, the second with a small publishing company.  When I found Robin,
the third time was a charm.  He is approachable, encouraging, accessible and the most
knowledgeable person I have worked with to get my words quickly from manuscript to book.
And, he shares his wisdom in a kind, patient manner so that I learn every step of the way.
Robin’s advice made my book better than I had imagined.  And he has the priceless perspective
of being an author himself. He is absolutely my go-to guy for my next book projects.  Simply a
joy to work with.

Mary Clista Dahl
Author and Writing Instructor

The subtitle says it all: An unflinching Account of an American Family Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease. This is a heartfelt project which Robin created in collaboration with his two brothers and sisters, telling the story of the good, the bad and the ugly in their quest to care for their father as he struggled with the early, middle and late stages of dementia.

Navigating the world of self-publishing is no easy task. With an eagle eye and a steady hand, Robin Moore guided me each step of the way. Thanks to his professional and patient guidance I successfully published my first book, Observations of an Ordinary Life.  From the initial layout to the final cover design, I couldn’t be happier with the end product. Robin is a terrific collaborative partner who listens well, makes thoughtful suggestions and lends his enormous expertise to make the self-publishing process easy and successful.


Thanks to Robin Moore and his staff for helping to make the publication of my memoir, Pennsylvania
Cowboy: Eighty Years on Horseback, possible and affordable. My kids, grandkids and many friends have
enjoyed books written by Robin for years and he provided us with the patience and assistance we
needed to get our book in print.

Lundy Flick
Cowboy, Rancher and Educator


I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my first book, Running To or Running From?, would
not have been published without Robin’s guidance and expertise. Anyone needing assistance will
get the care they need to become a self-published author on Amazon.

Karen Downey
Author and Healer

I could not have written The Fairytales of Lightfall Hollow without Robin’s help. His guidance was always right on the mark. The best parts of the fairytales are outcomes of suggestions he made. He was ever-accessible, ever-patient and encouraging. He always talked to me in a manner that was down-to-earth, respectful, considerate and friendly. While sagely offering me challenges that improved my writing. Because he knows the book industry and all the ins and outs of self-publishing, he saved me so much time, energy and frustration. Every writer would be lucky towork with Robin Moore in his many roles as writing coach, editor, project manager and technical advisor on the pathway to publishing.


So many donkeys languish in rescues, waiting for a forever home. I decided I could help by
writing a book that is an example of the relationship that can develop between a person and a
donkey. When the draft of How Far is Safe? was finished, I turned to Robin Moore to help me
prepare the manuscript for publication. His insight and experience led me step by step along the
path to publication. Timely responses, gentle advice, insight, and deep listening helped my book
dream become a reality.

Carolyn Stearns
Author and Storyteller


I struggled repeatedly to craft and arrange a satisfying opening to my second novel, Mystic Girl.
After many iterations, I reached out to Robin Moore to help me rearrange my manuscript to
create the most enticing entry into my story. The challenge of twisting traditional mythology and
a current time character was carefully edited, and changes finalized. Through careful
consideration, the final draft was accomplished. Each step through the production process was
explained and monitored until my published novel was in my hands. Thanks, Robin!

Carolyn Stearns
Author and Storyteller

Christmas Letters is a historical fiction novel which continues Carolyn Stearns’ legacy of bringing alive the history of rural life in America in this tribute to military veterans and their families.


Thirteen Spooky Stories from Mysterious Connecticut is a collection of traditional and original
stories with a historical twist. Robin used his deep knowledge of the power of storytelling to
assist me in translating these spoken stories into written form.

Carolyn Stearns
Author and Storyteller


In this age of self-publishing, everyone has the opportunity to publish their book. The trick is to
navigate your way through the process. Robin Moore can help you do that. He will guide you
every step of the way with cheerful enthusiasm. I highly recommend that you engage his help as
I did when I published The Principles of Nothing: A Theory of Everything. It is well worth it.

T. J. Webster
Scientist and Author

The second book in the scientific series, The Principles of Something, built on the success of the
first book and presented novel ideas about unanswered questions in the field of geology along
with some ground-breaking theories.

T. J. Webster
Scientist and Author


The third book reveals a proven process for controlling the spread of cancer in the human body. A detailed program and case histories focus on a healthy lifestyle paired with scientific research into the biochemical origins of this disease and the mechanism for recovery.


Robin not only urged me to write my first book, From Being to Becoming: Living an Authentic and Meaningful Life, but found a top-notch copy editor to work on the manuscript. Robin also connected me with a skillful book designer, who did the layout and cover design. He oversaw all of these steps and walked me through the publishing process to showcase the book on Amazon. I couldn’t have done this without his commitment and dedication to working with new authors. 

Jim Trifone, Ph.D.

   Robin Moore has been a beacon of hope with his dedication and patience during the editing and
publishing of A Naturopathic Doctor’s Guide to Wellness for Immune Support: Using the Six
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine to Protect and Promote Your Family’s Health and Well-
Being. I originally planned to disseminate this information in a newsletter but in the process of
these publishing consultations, I was easily able to offer this timely and important information to
the public as a self-published book during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Dr. Artemis Morris
Naturopathic Physician

This clinically-proven method offers a new approach to getting free from alcohol and other drug disorders.


Transforming my Master’s thesis into my book, The Two-Digit Revolution: Enhancing Writing Fluency, Reading Readiness and Cognitive Development Through Cursive Handwriting Instruction, required an understanding of a sequence that involved publisher contracts, accounting systems for payments and royalties, coordination for editing and cover design, plus record-keeping for taxes.  Robin’s guidance led me away from pitfalls that would have been costly. Having access to expertise in publishing is a good thing but having the know-how, with a calm management mindset, is invaluable to one who needs direction in navigating the publishing processes. Most of all, I credit Robin’s dedication to the quality of my work with those critical words and sequence in my Prologue that effectively “rolls-out” the intent of my story, not unlike the stage curtains that pull apart to reveal an opening set of a play.  If you are considering seeing your name on a book cover, it is worth it to check in with Robin, for his honesty will open your pathway to the publishing world.

Celia Batan
Educational Consultant


Writing my first book was a daunting task. However, Robin Moore changed all that. Because of
his guidance, I am now a published author. He made the steps of the publishing process clear and
concise and put me at ease so I could enjoy the journey. He coached me every step of the way.
His ability to remain focused and extremely organized gave me the confidence I needed to
publish my poetic memoir, A Journey That Breaks the Heart.

Ann Marie Sullivan


I couldn’t have published Quiet Fire: Mindfulness in the Classroom without Robin’s expert guidance. Maneuvering the waters of publishing with Robin as my guide, I published successfully and highly recommend him and the support he can offer.

Lisa Harlow


Robin Moore truly mentored me on the publication of my book, Breaking Text: Bringing the Power of Performance to the Language Arts Classroom. He was always there with helpful knowledge and friendly encouragement. His experience is an essential resource for new authors.

Robert Fee


I will always be grateful for Robin Moore's gentle guidance and genuine enthusiasm for my first book, Just Like Me, a chapter book for children and families living with Dyslexia. I cannot wait to continue our partnership!

Barbara Connery

One more in a series of inspiring books which tells the story of how ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they rise to the challenges of contemporary life in America.

Follow Rosa as she learns about diversity and inclusion. 


Robin Moore was an incredible resource and help to me as I published my first book, The ABC’s of Health and Healing. His guidance was calm and timely. He walked me through each step and gave me important things to consider. He made me feel comfortable and helped to guide me through this process. There is no way I could have published my book without him!!  I highly recommend Robin Moore as a publishing consultant!

Cheryl Martinelli

Thank you, Robin, for your guidance, knowledge and expertise in making my second book a reality!


Robin Moore was instrumental in helping me publish my first book, A Climate for Learning: How to Create an Emotionally-Intelligent Classroom in the First Four Days of School. If you have ever wanted to write, don't miss an opportunity to work with this man. 

Lawrence Carroll
Educational Consultant

From Robin’s creative writing students: Ten first-time authors offer an exploration of the joys
and tribulations of living the writer’s life. Includes a resource section with writing prompts to
jumpstart the creative process for accomplished and aspiring writers.

From a cohort of Robin’s creative writing students: Four women focus on the power of narrative
healing as they examine the freedom and perils of individual expression outside the boundaries
of cultural norms in this anthology of essays, poetry and creative writing.